Progressive Training of the Components of Muscular Strength and Agility and its Effect on Some Physical, Skilled and Physiological Variables amongst Volleyball Players

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Sports Training, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Helwan University


The purpose of this paper is to design a proposed training program and to identify the effect it has on different kinds of muscular strength (strength endurance, muscular power and maximum strength), agility, skilful performance level of spiking and serving skills, and on the levels of Adipsin and Adiponectin hormones in the blood amongst volleyball players. The experimental method was adopted using the pre-measurement-postmeasurement design for two groups: control group and experimental group. Sixteen participants who were volleyball players in Eastern Company club (aged less than 17) were selected as a purposively selected sample. Duration of the training program extended 10 weeks with three training units per week of 120 minutes each. Results suggest a positive effect of the proposed program on the components of muscular strength, spike and serve skills, and levels of Adipsin and Adiponectin in the blood which was greater among the experimental group than among the control group, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed program.


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